For any company wishing to :

- Work, progress on performance, wellbeing, work-life balance

- Manage stress and emotions on a daily basis

- Knowing how to take a step back from possible internal and external conflicts

- Develop his leadership

- Public speaking

- Develop self-confidence and self-esteem

HL&Co offers you various personalized business seminars



- Henri Leconte : address the parallel between the mentality of a top athlete and that of the corporate world and to determine the common points to give performance tools

- Maya : discover the potential for leadership that lies within each one of us by approaching the tool « hypnosis », or how to access our inner strength to surpass ourselves in areas of our life in order to achieve our goals


Duration : 2h

Participants : from 20 to 120, to be defined

To see : the group and individual coaching part proposed to improve your skills

Logistics : conference room, amphitheater (provided by the company)

Quote : on request