WellBeing Hypnosis Meet with Maya
Photograph credit: Christian Wilmes

Maya tells us about her vision of hypnosis as well as the progress of her sessions. Interview.

- Were you destined for this job ? How did it come to you ?

Yes, this profession came to me because it was my destiny.
It's a great Feeling (+) that I have had since my childhood: to be attentive to the Trials (+) of life.

Forward (+) for me is an evidence.

- What does hypnosis bring to your daily life ?

Hypnosis brings me a lot of happiness and serenity in the help I can give to relieve my patients.

- You are an hypnotherapist. What can you tell us about the highlights of your sessions ?

My sessions take place in two parts:

1) Conscious part: anamnesis with the patient

First of all I ask my patient for the work intention: it can be stress, anxiety, phobias, addictions, lack of self-confidence, body pains or any other feeling that he wants to improve. It is very important to know and understand what could have caused them. Then we exchange a questionnaire in order to identify the source of the emotional injury that may have triggered this discomfort (Five emotional wounds (+)).

It is essential the patient be in Acceptance (+) of his past wounds in order to progress through the sessions and access his healing.

2) Conscious and unconscious part: hypnotic session

Everything discussed in the first part, and accepted by the patient, leads us to our hypnosis session.

-Is hypnosis for everyone ?

Hypnosis is not recommended for certain psychiatric mental illnesses.
It is open to all from the moment the person concerned requests to lift their Fears (+), their Brakes (+), their Blockages (+) which plunge them into discomfort.

It must be a Personal Approach (+).

- In your opinion what is the future of hypnosis ?

I think we're just at the beginning. We still have a lot to discover about hypnosis, about what it can bring to our society, in different fields: personal, medical and other developments.