HL&Co - Conferences
Photograph credit: Christian Wilmes


In partnership with Business Club, Henri Leconte gives many conferences. With his experience at the highest level after more than fifteen years on the courts, he addresses many topics such as surpassing oneself, managing emotions, how to bounce back after failure...
These mid-day meetings are always a great success with the public.

2018-2019 Events

Lille February 13, 2018
-->Flandres Business Club

Strasbourg April 12, 2018
-->Argento Business Club

Nantes April 24, 2018
-->Nantes Atlantique Business Club

Arras November 9th, 2018
-->Artois Business Club

Valenciennes March 15, 2019
-->Hainaut Business Club

Sedan April 4th, 2019
-->Made in Ardennes Business Club

Lyon May 21, 2019
-->Lyon Rhone Business Club

Amiens Septembre 24, 2019
-->Somme Business Club

Dunkerque Septembre 26, 2019
-->Grand Littoral Business Club

Montpellier November 7th 2019
-->Montpellier Mediterranée Business Club

2020-2021 Events

Mulhouse June 23, 2020
-->Sud Rhin Business Club

Valence, 2021
-->Drôme Ardèche Business club

Grenoble, 2021
-->Isère Savoie Business Club

Reims, 2021
-->Champagne Ardennes Business Club

PWC Luxembourg

Maya and Henri Leconte work with PWC where they are external speakers. They address several themes during their conferences:
- group and mental motivation (example: questioning oneself on different subjects).
- search for potential partners according to several precise criteria
- motivation and surpassing oneself in sport